
Friday, March 9, 2012

Giveaway # 2

Sandee from Her and The Boys is hosting this giveaway today. 
She is giving one random lucky winner an owl "tea for one" pot. This adorable little tea pot comes with a owl pot and a matching cup. It is adorable! 

One winner will be chosen at random. contest ends on March 16th at midnight and winner will be announce on March 17th. Please leave one separate comment for each entry. 

How to enter:
1. Be a follower of She Said and let me know.
2. Be a follower of Her and The Boys and comment telling me.
3. Read and comment on at least 1 post at Her and The Boys. (Trust me, her blog is awesome and you will love her honest and funny post!) Make sure you comment letting me know. 

Thanks Sandee! You are going to make one lucky reader very happy! 

Human Kind Water

This company called Human Kind Water sells bottled water and almost 100% of the proceeds go to helping 3rd world countries obtain clean drinkable water. 

They too are in Walmart's contest, get on the shelf. And I am definitely hoping they win. More water bottles available to sell means more clean water available to other countries. If your going to by a water bottle anyway, why not buy one that puts almost all of the money to a good cause and help save lives?

Seriously, watch the video and help this company out! 

It could just be because I am pregnant, but this video made me cry just a little...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Sponsor - Loooops of Love

I'm Kaitlyn, and I am the owner of Loooops of love.
I started Loooops of love back in August of 2011.
One day i just decided to learn how to crochet and i picked up 
on it rather quickly. From then on it's been a new passion of mine.
I started out making stuffed animals, then decided to start making hats, cocoons,
and diaper covers. Personalized to each person. That's what I love about handmade items.
No two items are a like. If you are looking for some affordable handmade items. Check out my shop!
Have something in mind that you'd like. Shoot me an email
The list of things I can do it endless! Hope to see you all soon!

P.S. Totally getting one of these hats for Emery when she is born! How adorable are these????

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Baby Gizmo is legit...

Remember that post I made the other day about entering into the Baby Gizmo 30 day contest
well, you should totally do it... Why? Because it works! How do I know this? BECAUSE I WON!

Seriously, I can't believe it. A fancy Orbit Baby G2 stroller. 

So is this proof enough that you should go enter in the daily contest? seriously. go. 

March Sponsor - Her & The Boys

 My name is Sandee and I am a stay at home mom (domestic diva as I refer to it) of two wonderful little boys. I also was lucky enough to marry my best friend, Adam. Our life is super hectic and crazy. Both my husband and I go to school to further our education to hopefully better provide for our family. I study journalism and he is a finance major. Along with life, kids, and school, we have 4 pets. I know, we are a glutton for punishment. We have 2 cats and 2 dogs. I would love to have goats, chickens, and a farm would be nice. I feel I have a lot to write about. Some of the things I touch on are DIY projects, money savers, relationships, a little bit of everything. I write what I feel. I am very honest and forward. I consider myself to be very real. So come to my blog with an open mind and comments are welcomed.  I hope that you enjoy reading my blog and I look forward to meeting new friends!

The next best thing from SMENCILS

My company came out with an awesome new product...
SMANIMALS!  Gourmet scented stuffed animals made with organic scented rice. 
Smanimal Website

using a process that is pending a patent, we infuse grains of rice with our special gourmet scents and use it as the “stuffing” for our fun stuffed animal designs. For example, we use a delicious rootbeer scent to make the rice stuffing for our kangaroo animal……its name is Kangarootbeer. Our other lovable creatures include: Pink Llamanade, Crocodill Pickle, Orange-utan, Mint Chocolate Chipmunk, and Dinasour Apple. 

WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you want to get some of these for your kids (or yourself), then you should help us out in the Walmart competition, "GET ON THE SHELF". If we win, these Smanimals will be available to the public. Please click here or go to this site and vote for Smanimals!

oh and if you like the idea, please spread the love! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Giveaway #1

Since this is the "lucky" month, I thought it would be fun to offer some giveaways throughout the next 10 days. All of these giveaways will be ending on midnight, march 16 and the random lucky winners will be shared on St. Patrick's Day!

First up, we have that lovely book I was mentioning yesterday....

The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide. By Heather Maclean &Hollie Schultz

This same book helped James and I navigate through the complicated and over populated world of baby products. It talks about everything you will need "from pregnancy through preschool." They touch on cribs, play yards, toys, clothes, carriers, carseats, strollers, potties and so so much more. It even has room after each chapter to write your own notes in. It gave us the breakdown of different terms, the pros and cons of each and the safety issues. This book helped us especially while registering for our baby shower. 

This book is great for expecting patents, parents with toddlers or even as a great baby shower gift!

One lucky reader will win a copy of this book. I will choose a random winner from the entries. 
The give away ends March 16th at midnight, winners will be announced on St. Patty's day.
 Please, write a separate comment for each entry!

How to enter:
1. Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment. If you are already a follower, then say hi!
2. Tell me why you want this book ( even if you plan to give it to someone else).
3. Check out and go here to enter into there month long daily giveaway. (wouldn't it be awesome if you won something from them too?)

80 through 90...

Thank goodness only 20 more to go! I would love for you all to do something like this so I can get to now you. Make sure you send me a link if you do!

81. My dream vacation would be for James and I to backpack through Europe. For like 2 years. I would love to stay in hostels and get odd jobs here and there to make money to go to the next city. I would love to live with the people and experience their culture and country. I like doing touristy stuff, but it's completely different when you actually live in it and immerse yourself like a local. We are totally planning this when the girls are away at college.

82. My uncle and I have the same mole pattern in the exact same place. It is 3 small moles in a diagonal line on our left cheekbone. It's really weird, because I know it's not supposed to be a hereditary thing.

83. I'm a carbs lover. I love breads and pastas like no other. When we go out to eat I love bread baskets before dinner, which I usually accidentally fill up on and I usually get some sort of pasta to eat. I know it's not the best for me, but I really don't care. It taste so delicious.

84. I love he comedian Jim Gaffigan. He cracks me up so much! I love that he doesn't have to cuss or crack down on stereo types to be funny. I am not saying that none of his jokes are about that, but most of his stuff is all about food, and since I love food, I can relate to it! James and I quote his stuff on a regular basis. I would LOVE to see him live!

85. I am a master of hamburger helper. I have been eating that boxed goodness since I was a little girl. In fact that is the 1 item you will ALWAYS find in our pantry. It's easy, relatively quick and doesn't require very many ingredients. So perfect... and as I said before I love pasta...

86. I love woodland animals and woodland themes (as if you already didn't know). I know it's an obsession, but it works. Its such a versatile theme. I am making it cutesy for the nursery, manly for my hubby and whimsical for me. It goes along with all sorts of color themes and I don't think the woods will ever go out of style.

87. I love love love little girl dresses with peter pan collars. Now that chloe actually has a neck (i miss those ridiculously huge chubby cheeks) the dresses look adorable on her and are much more comfortable for her.They are adorable and have vintage flair. Both my girls will definitely be rocking them.

88. I wanted glasses so badly in high school. I thought my sisters were so lucky because they got to have them and some of my friends had them. I even bought fake cute ones at Claire's and wore them on occasions just because I loved it. Now that I actually NEED to wear them, it bugs me and I don't wear them even though I should.

89. It's hard for me to listen to music and not bob my head or "chair dance". I even lip sync to the songs. I do this all the time at work, on a place or in a public place. I am sure I look really silly, but that's ok.

90. I can't stand onions. They are my arch nemesis. I can't stand the texture whether they are fresh and crispy or cooked and soft. They are just gross and give me the heeby jeebies. Although, I love onion flavored stuff, like funyons.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Baby Gizmo

For any of you parents out there, I would suggest checking into Baby Gizmo if you haven't already. I first learned about Baby Gizmo from a book that I bought when I was pregnant with Chloe on all the products out there for baby. It gave me the breakdown of what each product was, what each different term meant and helped navigate through the overwhelming world of baby products.

I ended up finding them on the web and you tube and boy, let me tell you, they have helped TREMENDOUSLY with my purchases of everything from teethers to strollers. Especially watching all the overviews and reviews they have done on so many products.

They are celebrating 5 million views on their YouTube channel and are doing 30 days of giveaways, starting today. Today they are giving away the Orbit Baby G2 Stroller. Each day is something new they are giving away. I would suggest you all go here to enter. you only have 24 hours to enter each daily contest.

Good luck and help spread the word to all your mommy friends out there!

Music Monday - The Head and the Heart

Love this folksy band! I heard them from Heather at Heatherlydee blog. And I am so glad she shared them. They are always on my playlist now. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Sponsors - That Mama Gretchen

and this is Gretchen from That Mama Gretchen...  

Mama to my sweet girl, Jemma, with another little one on the way! I share about our days sprinkled with memos about our attachment parenting experience, thrifty finds, crafty projects, and our goal of becoming more green. Stop by for a visit, we'd love to have you!