
Pregnancy with C

We tried for a year to get pregnant, it was heartache after heartache each month taking a test and not seeing a positive. We thought that we were unable to produce children and on the day that we decided to call the Dr to set up a fertility appointment, I just knew. I was March 20th, 2010. I woke up and just knew we had to get a test to see if I was pregnant. We gave up testing months ago because it was so hard to see the lack of a line in the tiny window. Low and behold those 2 beautiful lines came across the screen. We couldn't help it, we called our moms that very morning with the good news. We told James side of the family at his step-mom's birthday 3 days later. It was so exciting full of hugs and happiness. It finally happened!!!

We decided to wait to tell everyone outside of the family after we had our appointment to see how far along we were. And then we made this fun little video.

Our Pregnancy Announcement:

It was a long pregnancy for me. The first 5 months were horrible, I was having extreme morning sickness where I couldn't even stand up without getting sick. I lost 15 lbs and had to take medication to stop getting sick (the same kind of meds they give chemo patients, that's how bad it was). After the first 5 months, it seemed so much better. I was actually able to do things and enjoy my pregnancy. I endured a miscarriage scare (with 6 hours in the emergency room) and preterm labor, but even though I had some bumps (pun totally intended) along the way, it was the most amazing experience to have that little life growing inside of me.

To be totally honest, we were hoping for a baby boy. When we had the ultrasound and the tech said it was a girl I cried. It took me a good hour to be happy with having a baby girl. But let me tell you, I am so glad we had a girl, she is just perfect for me. I love everything about being a mommy to a precious little gorgeous girl. 

Chloe was born on November 27th, 2010 
She weighed 7.9 lbs and  19" long

Baby Bump Progression:



baby bump

baby bump