
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blog Inspiration

One of the 30 day challenge post ask about who your biggest inspiration is. I feel that I get a lot of inspiration just from reading blogs. I know I have a blog favorites list, but I  wanted to share some of the blogs that have inspired me for certain things.Go visit and hopefully you will get inspired too!

Clothing: Ewing, What would a nerd wearRuche , Tart,  Harpers Happenings, Making It Lovely & The Daybook,

Home Decor: Making It Lovely, EwingSpearmint Decor, & Young House Love

Following Jesus:  Francis Chan, Three20, From Here to EternityThe Blair affairs Through Clouded Glass, Sitting Solo

Being a Mommy: Delirious Rhapsody, It's a Wonderful Life, For Everything There is a Season, She Breathes Deeply, The Peanut Gallery, & Adventures of a new mom

So anyway, thank you to all these blogs for giving me something to look forward to reading everyday. :)
I read so many more blogs than this and I am almost positive they all inspire me in one way or another, these are just the first that came to mind.

♥ Michelle


  1. :D thanks so much!

    Francis chan is awesome. We're about to start his BASIC study soon :) And Young House Love takes the cake on home decor/repair/diy/awesomeness. :)

  2. Aw, thanks Michelle! I love reading your blog and I feel honored to be included on your list! I'm looking forward to checking out some of the other blogs you listed too.

  3. thanks for mentioning me! that's so flattering!

  4. What a pleasant surprise to see my blog name on your post... and what an even greater honor to have been put in that category!

    Thank you so much for your shout out. It means I'm doing something right with this blog of mine ;0)

  5. Thanks Michelle Im glad you like my little spot in the web and i love yours too ... Im excited to go check some of those you mentioned out!

  6. wow, I am flattered!!!
    I dig your blog too!


Thanks for sending me a little love note <3