
Friday, October 21, 2011

Beauty Week - Next Week!

I am going to tell you a little secret. I have been feeling really icky lately about the way I look. I don't know if I am just stuck in a rut of wearing the same things over and over again. Maybe it's the fact that I haven't had my hair cut or since Chloe was still inside my belly. Maybe its that I don't change up my makeup routine and I look the same day in day out. Whatever it is, all I know is I NEED SOME CHANGE!

So this upcoming week will be BEAUTY WEEK! Each day for next week I will have guest bloggers visit and share about their fashion and beauty tips.

Monday October 24th is Beauty Routine
Tuesday October 25th is Hair
Wednesday October 26th is Make Up
Thursday October 27th is Fashion
Friday October 28th is Accessories.

I have some really good bloggers lined up, you can see who they are with the banners on the right. Seriously can't wait to hear and share all the good tips and tricks! Make sure you come by each day and check out what's new. Also, check out the guest bloggers! ---->


  1. Awesome, I can't wait! I've been in a beauty rut since having my first baby nine months ago.

    P.S. Stop by my blog to enter a giveaway for 25 free holiday cards from Shutterfly! ;)

  2. I am going to be sending mine sometime tonight or early tomorrow! Crazy busy week (sorry)! I can't wait to see what everyone else writes!

  3. Ooooooooh, i can't wait for 'hair' day!


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