
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chomping (teething) Necklace!

I won the wooden chomping necklace giveaway on Deanna's blog, Delirious Rhapsody. The necklace is from Tweet Baby Designs . I choose the butterscotch necklace and I absolutely love it! Chloe really likes it too. She has chewed on in a little, but loves grabbing it with her hands and playing with it. Definitely check out the Tweet Baby Designs shop, she has some super cute stuff that is practical to boot!

Thank you so much Deanna!
 (Chloe says thank you too!)

I know she looks sad, but I swear she's not. She just hates daddy always pointing  the camera in her face.

♥ Michelle


  1. i'm glad that chloe is enjoying it. i think it looks cute on you too! :)

  2. becoming a mommy is one of the longings of my <3 your baby is beautiful!!! x

  3. Good to know, I was thinking of getting one of those for when Ruby starts teething.


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