
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Chloe is 10 months! (Moms, I need some advice!)

Chloe is now an independent little one crawling around everyone. Never sitting still. She "cruises" around all the furniture and has stood on her own a couple times. I know her first steps are near. She still only has her two bottom teeth in, but I see 3 top teeth that are coming in fast and should be here anyday. Her blonde hair is coming in thicker and I can finally put barrettes in her hair! yay!

I cant believe how big she is! She laughs and smiles all the time. She loves her little "lovey" (a small square blanket about a square foot that has a little rattle giraffe attached) and carries that around all the time. She loves to blow raspberries and show "how big" she is. She claps and dances and gives me "kisses" (which are really just an open mouth kiss). I love it so much!
Here is where I need the advice. Lately, about the past 3 days, she has not been wanting to eat while at home. She will eat fine at the sitters everyday, but has refused food every time I try to feed her.  I don't know if it is directly related to her teething or not, but it is so hard to see her not eat! She does want to feed her self little snacks like her yogurt chips or little oat puffs, but she won't eat an actual meal!
To make matters worse, she has been throwing tantrums. If we take a toy away, she falls to the floor and starts screaming and crying. It is hard to deal with and I really just don't know what to do. I feel bad that she cries and I have been trying to just let her throw her fit then she will be over it, but it is so hard when you are in the midst of it. I thought this wasn't supposed to happen until she is a toddler! I just bought the Happiest Toddler on the block VHS and will be watching it tonight (yes I still own a VHS player, it comes in handy when the price difference is $20 from dvd to vhs.) I will have to let you know what I have learned from the program and how it works....

I don't know what to do! Anyone else have any suggestions or have they gone through this phase?


  1. Happy 10 months Chloe!!! What a cutie! AS for the advice, Maggie goes through spurts where she isn't interested in eating too. Could be the teeth, could just be that she's not that hungry. She is always up for puffs/yogurt melts, but I try not let them be her meal. My Dr. told me not to worry about it, unless she is losing weight. I know that's easy to say, but hard to handle. It's a struggle...As for the tantrums, we found with Maggie, sometimes when she was thirsty it would put her in a really bad mood and she would lash out. Just a thought. Hope this helps!

  2. i wish i had some advice on the tantrums. gage didn't start having them until he was three. and he still has them sometimes. :-/

    however, i can say that chloe is an absolute doll! :)

  3. I've been there with both situations. Sometimes Alyson just isn't interested in food, obviously it's more of a concern now that she is one and needs to be eating more but for you if she is teething she may just not want to eat because she doesn't like working and moving her jaw very much right now. Are her snacks like the Gerber ones where they dissolve? If so that's probably why she prefers those.

    As for tantrums, welcome to toddlerhood lol. Alyson started throwing them at around 9 months. I didn't believe it at first but she sure was. She gets over it in about a minute every time though. Although if she is playing with something she shouldn't be what I normally do is tell Alyson no I take it from her and give her something she can play with. She gets over them pretty fast like I said though.

    Hopefully you can figure out something that works well for you guys though!

    Petit Monstree

  4. Thank you! We actually got her to eat last night! We went to the store and purchased all self feeding foods for her, fruits and veggies that normally we would steam and then blend, we are just skipping the blending part and she seemed to be doing well with that! Thank Goodness.

  5. She is getting so big and cute! I don't have alot of advice, because we haven't quite got to that stage yet. Wyatt does throw little mini fits at times, and we usually just tell him no and set him down until he stops crying - but I'm not sure how that will work once he starts crawling!

    And aren't the open-mouthed baby kisses the best? I love them. :-D

  6. oh chloe.
    those eyes still kill me :)

    Here's my email.. guess i shouldve included that on the about me page!


Thanks for sending me a little love note <3