
Friday, October 7, 2011

Date Night

It's funny before James and I had Chloe we really didn't have "date nights" it seemed that most nights were a date night. Now, I realize how precious those 2 little words really are. My mom will be taking Chloe over the 3 day weekend to see my Grams in Phoenix, AZ. Leaving James and I to catch up on those much needed "Date Nights". I am so excited, but also kinda bummed that I will be missing Chloe's first flight. Oh well... I can't experience every one of her "first".  I know this is good for Chloe to have some special bonding time with my mom and my Grams, so I am super excited for her too.

Tonight, I get a date night with MYSELF. And I am quite looking forward to it! I have so many things I want to do that I don't think I will have time for.... take a long bubble bath, catch up on a book, work on some sewing projects I have been not finding time for, playing with my hair and watching hair tutorials on you tube. Actually getting a chance to shave my legs... haha I guess I could have left that last part out... but it's true! I took for granted all the time I had to actually do things before I had Chloe and it is so nice to get some ME time in! YAY! Who knows... I may catch up on some blogging as well... :)

Then I get to go on a date night with the hubs. We are going to Sushi, strolling around Balboa Park (our fave place), going shopping (finally using my gift card from my birthday 10 months ago) and watching 50/50. And getting some quality face to face time in (my love language). So stoked !!!!

Hope you all have a good weekend and try to get some quality time with yourself and your other half too...


  1. Have SO much fun!! A date night by myself sounds wonderful! Well, so does one with your Honey too! :)

  2. have fun on date night, and definitely soak up every last moment of 'me' time!

  3. Have fun you two! Gosh, Brice and I haven't been on a date night in...TOO long. It's our 2 year wedding anni on Monday so I think this weekend calls for a date night!


Thanks for sending me a little love note <3