
Friday, March 30, 2012

Prayers Needed!

I went in earlier this week for a follow up ultrasound from my 20 week ultrasound appointment. The doctor had told me in the first ultrasound that my placenta was low, but that more than likely it would move up further along in the pregnancy. Unfortunately, the placenta hasn't moved at all. 
So I am diagnosed with Placenta Previa

I had a call from my doctor yesterday and she said that I need to schedule a c-section. I immediately started crying (that has been happening to me a lot lately, darn hormones!).  After talking with her for a while I let her know that I really don't want to have one and she agreed to do another ultrasound in 5 weeks at my 36 week mark. If the placenta has moved then I will be able to labor naturally. If it has not, I must do a C-section. 

Please ladies, keep me in your prayers these next 5 weeks that my placenta will move up. I know it's not the end of the world, but I really don't want to have a c-section. I am terrified of surgery and I really want the opportunity to try to labor and deliver naturally this time. Also, please pray for God's peace to wash over me as I am now starting to have anxiety about the delivery. 

I know our God is a healer and miracle worker and I am believing in this!


  1. I'll be praying for you! Any surgery is scary. I've had 2 c-sections and I wished I could have had the second baby naturally.

  2. I'll add you to my prayers! He is the great miracle worker!

  3. I am praying. I was diagnosed with the exact same thing at 18 weeks, and just had to schedule my csection for may 1st. I too, am very uneasy about surgery and whats to come with it. But I am starting to come to peace with it, knowing that women have this done everyday. I also know that God is watching over my son and I during that time, and that this is the safest route to go for my little guy!

    I will pray HARD that your pesky placenta (that's funny!) moves where it needs to go! I was a very quirky case where mine just didn't want to move, almost EVERYONE that I have talked to, or knows someone with this, has been able to have a natural birth <3

    Keep your head up mama!

  4. keeping you (and that sweet baby) in my prayers daily. God is in control. i pray that His peace that passes ALL understanding would blanket you and that you will feel His arms of love holding you ever-so-tightly.

  5. Praying mama!!! That all will go according to
    His will.

  6. Praying! God is in the miracle business! I had a c-section with my babe last year, and it was NOT what I wanted (you're right, it is scary!), but now i'm just so thankful that my babe was healthy, even if labor and delivery didn't go as planned. God is always in control! xoxo

  7. Praying!!! I know how hard it is to hold onto faith and hope in spite of what the doctors say, but I pray you are able to! God is in control and His hand is on this whole situation. Hang in there sweet friend

  8. I will be thinking about you and that pesky placenta of yours. I hope it moves up, if not I want to ease your mind about surgery. I had a c-section with Conner and cried when they told me. It was an emergency of course which made it worse. However, it was not as bad as I thought. Things go by so quickly and all of sudden there she will be. You won't get the same immediate touch as you did with Chloe but you will still get to give all of Baby E your love. Recovery will be more difficult if you are a lousy healer as I was. But I promise! everything will be fine and the more stressed you are, the more stressed the baby will be. So try and take it me if you need anything!

  9. Praying for you and your little one that everything works out well<3

  10. i had never heard of placenta previa until last week, when a character in a book i am reading was diagnosed with it. i'll be keeping you in my prayers! i hope your placenta starts cooperating!

  11. sending lots of prayers and love your way!

  12. Definitely praying for you! Our God is a God of miracles :)

  13. Praying for you! I've never had a surgery in my life till I had my son Judah and I was scared going in because he came almost a month early, but I remember when I sat on the operating table waiting to get my spinal block I thought...."okay Lord I finally give this to you, my pregnancy, my baby, I trust in you, you know what is best for my son" and a little while later I received in my arms the best gift anyone could have ever given me. I pray just like the Lord gave my worried heart peace that he does the same for you.

  14. I will surely say a prayer for you! Just remember, Everything will work out as god has designed. :)

  15. Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts! Your absolutely right, whatever happens, it is God's will and He will be with me every step of the way!

  16. Praying for you! Both of my births were so hard and ended in cesareans but you'll be on my prayer list :)


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