
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Date Night

James and I try to have a date night twice a month on Wednesdays when Chloe goes to Grandpa & Grandmas. 
Most of the time date night usually flops through and we just spend the night getting errands done and things that we need to do around the house. Tonight, however, we are making sure we have a date night. We are going to go see The Hunger Games. That's right, we are joining the craze. My sister and her boyfriend along with many of our friends have read the books and claim they are amazing. They are definitely next on my reading list. (right now I am reading Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, which is a great book and I highly recommend it!) From the reviews the Hunger Games movie is very very similar to the book, so I am very excited! 

anyway, in my excitement for tonight, I wanted to share this video. I LOVE the Civil Wars and Taylor Swift as you should well know by now. So I am so excited they got together to make this song. 
The song and video is lovely. 


  1. I can't even tell you how many times i have listened to that LOVE it!!!
    actually I'm obsessed with the entire soundtrack, its ALL so good!!

  2. LOVED the Hunger Games! I liked the other Taylor Swift song better though! I'm your newest follower :)

  3. Glad you are gonna read the Hunger games, Ive read them a few times already! also love francine rivers!!


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