
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Emery Rose overdue photoshoot

Sorry, but taking care of two little ones is exhausting and time consuming, as many of you know. Which means that I hardly get time to go on the computer, never the less post on the blog. However, James has been bugging me to post something on here for quite sometime now... so that is just what I am doing. Posting to my blog instead of doing laundry. :)

Here are some beautiful pictures James took of Emery at just one week old. And today she is exactly one month since she was welcomed into this world. Time sure does fly!

Enjoy the pictures. (I would love for James to be a photographer. He always takes such great photos!)

I will definitely try to post more often... just please excuse the absence and chalk it up to me still not getting more than 3 hours of broken up sleep each night.


  1. She is beautiful and these photos are lovely. Enjoy every minute, mama!! The internet can wait!!

  2. She is so cute! And James should definitely be a photographer - I love these!

  3. She is so precious! And that last picture is amazing :)


Thanks for sending me a little love note <3