I have now included some of my handmade mini top hats and feathered hair pieces into my shop. Click She Said Shop on the right then go to the "handmade" to take a look! I have also included them on my Etsy Shop, Ruby Darling, that is finally being re-opened!
If you go to my blog shop, I have offered these at a discount cost, just for my readers!!!!
So I haven't update you in a while on Chloe's stats. She is now almost 10 months. She weighs 21.5 lbs and is 28 inches tall. She eats all sorts of food, but loves to play with it even more. She still drinks formula, but she likes to drink water from her sippy cup too. We have started making 1/2 of her food at home and I hope to make 100% of all her food by the middle of October.
Her favorite thing to do is take a bath, she LOVES the water!!! She loves to GROWL, seriously, so cute! She claps when you say "yay" and knows how big she is (hint: watch the video below). Her blonde hair is coming in thicker and longer now, but she hates to wear headbands and pulls them down around her neck when we put them on. She crawls pretty fast and wants to stand up and climb on everything. She loves to cruise around and I am sure she will take her first real steps before she turns 1.
Here she is as of this morning. You might have to turn the audio up really loud, I guess I was too quiet for it to capture what I was saying.
I was reading a parenting magazine and there was this little section about this amazing site called Mine for Nine. It is a website where you can rent maternity clothes for the period of your pregnancy. Then you can return them when you are finished. You rent by the month because they understand that your body changes just as much as your mood does when pregnant. The cost is pretty great too. I browsed on the site and picked some clothes I would rent if I were pregnant now.... Seriously, I will NOT be buying clothes for my next pregnancy, I will be RENTING them!
Top $ 27 to borrow
Pants $21 to borrow
$20 to borrow
$22 to borrow
$45 to borrow - This would be my pregnancy little black dress.
$20 to borrow
I seriously can't wait to be pregnant again and actually be fashionable this time! (okay, I CAN wait to be pregnancy, but at least I have something other than a baby to look forward to the next go around).
If any of you are pregnant now or are planning to be pregnant in the future, you should definitely look into this site!